单位:十亿元(In billions of RMB Yuan) |
SDDS数据类别(SDDS Items) |
2021年 |
2020年 |
2019年 |
2018年 |
收入(Revenue) |
29279.3 |
25169.5 |
27014.9 |
25777.0 |
支出( Expenditure) |
34809.7 |
34791.1 |
31248.5 |
28331.3 |
收支差额(Balance) |
-5530.4 |
-9621.6 |
-4233.6 |
-2554.3 |
融资 (Financing) |
6759.7 |
8643.9 |
4897.4 |
3666.2 |
国内融资(Domestic) |
6706.2 |
8578.3 |
4838.5 |
3646.7 |
国外融资(Foreign) |
53.5 |
65.6 |
58.9 |
19.5 |
按照期限划分的国内融资(Domestic Financing By Maturity) |
6706.2 |
8578.3 |
4838.5 |
3646.7 |
短期(Short Term) |
287.8 |
873.4 |
98.5 |
9.2 |
长期( Long Term) |
6418.4 |
7704.9 |
4740.0 |
3637.5 |
按照期限划分的国外融资(Foreign Financing by Maturity) |
53.5 |
65.6 |
58.9 |
19.5 |
短期( Short Term) |
长期 (Long Term) |
53.5 |
65.6 |
58.9 |
19.5 |
按工具划分的融资 (By type of Insturment) |
6759.7 |
8643.9 |
4897.4 |
3666.2 |
债券(Bonds) |
6759.3 |
8644.3 |
4898.0 |
3653.9 |
贷款(Loans) |
0.4 |
-0.4 |
-0.7 |
12.3 |
按币种划分的融资(By currency of denomination) |
6759.7 |
8644.0 |
4897.4 |
3666.2 |
本币(Domestic Currency) |
6712.3 |
8573.3 |
4825.6 |
3651.4 |
外币(Foreign Currency) |
47.4 |
70.7 |
71.8 |
14.9 |
按照债权人居住地的融资 (By residence of the creditor) |
6759.7 |
8643.9 |
4897.4 |
3666.2 |
居民( Domestic creditors) |
6704.5 |
8577.6 |
4836.0 |
3645.7 |
非居民(External creditors) |
55.2 |
66.3 |
61.4 |
20.5 |
注:1.此表为按照国际货币基金组织(以下简称IMF)数据公布特殊标准(SDDS)要求发布的年度广义政府财政数据。 |
3.此表中广义政府融资数据不包括到期债券偿还数据。 |
Note: 1.This table provides general government operations data , which is the annual national fiscal data in accordance with requirements of IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standard. |
3.The financing data in the above table do not include the payment for the principal of debt. |